Welcome to The Clear Guide - £49

Your Guide to Hospitality Communications

The ability to put together a successful PR and marketing campaign should be achievable for restaurants of every kind – not just those with deep pockets. 

Whether you’re a smaller restaurant, one that’s just starting out or you’re struggling and in need of reinvigoration, the aim of this guide is to give you the tools you need to put yourself on the map.

The reason you’re here is because you know you need to make some changes to the way you market your restaurant, in order to enhance its popularity and subsequently also increase the foot fall to your venue. In some cases, your marketing plan might just need a few small tweaks here and there. For others, it might be more about trying out some brand new ideas or perhaps even a complete overhaul of your strategy.

In any case, by the time you reach the end of The Clear Guide, you’ll know exactly which tried and tested tools are right for your restaurant. Apply these properly and you’ll begin to see your marketing and PR efforts have a positive impact on your restaurant’s reputation and your bottom line.

As well as providing you with advice and ideas, the guide also includes downloadable templates and examples to help you put your plans into action.

Meet the course creator

Andrea Klar-Nathan

I started in PR in 2005, so have over 15 years of hospitality communications experience; by 2011 I co-owned my first agency which I sold 7 years later. I then set up my second agency Clear Communications because I wanted to spend more time working with restaurants where I can make a meaningful difference.

I love it when I can help a previously struggling restaurant get more customers, or help put an older restaurant back on the map.

My experience includes everything that’s connected to hospitality, really. Michelin starred restaurants, pop ups, venues, events, even wine storage solutions. You name it, I’ve done it. 

I’m passionate about PR but the one problem with the industry is that doesn’t serve everyone it needs to because it’s not always affordable or accessible for new, smaller or struggling restaurants. And that’s very the reason why I’ve created the Clear Guide – to help a larger number of restaurants that I’d ordinarily be able to.

Here are some of my past and current clients:

This course contains:

  • Module 01 - Public Relations

    In restaurant PR, the aim is to convince journalists and influencers to talk about and promote your restaurant. Consisting of 7 chapters, this module will give you a better understanding of what PR is, how to manage the basics, write press releases, handle press requests/reviews and secure coverage in your target publications.

  • Module 02 - Marketing

    In hospitality, marketing plays a key role – you need to understand your customers in order to give your restaurant relevance and longevity. This module tells you everything you need to know about marketing: from database management to local marketing, advertising, newsletters and much more.

  • Module 03 - Social Media

    While social media channels have the power to increase your brand awareness and customer base, few restaurants actually get it right. This module covers how you should work with influencers, social media do’s and don'ts, planning your content and developing a strong social media schedule.

What To Expect

The Clear Guide is an immersive course that will deepen your understanding of PR, marketing and social media for your restaurant. Here’s everything you’ll get access to through the course:

  • Lifetime access to 27 videos that you can follow and watch at your own pace.

  • Exclusive access to The Clear Guide Private Facebook Community to deepen understanding of course material.

  • Some chapters are followed by additional course material. Featuring worksheets and templates.

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